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Never let success get to your head and Never let failure get to your heart

I never let the failure get me down and i always believe that failure is the step and base for huge success. I have strong experience in software developmentt. I respect my job and i love to do that. I'm a highly creative thinker, hardworker and deliver a quality product / service.

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Welcome To My Site

This is the platform which i used to share my knowledge as blogs to the web developers who are steping into the IT industry. I try to publish several blog entries every week on some aspect of web application development including (but not limited to) the topics of PHP / Server side coding, JavaScript, Node.js, HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), SQL and Salesforce

Expertise in Web Development

Have done many web developments and have touched almost all the technologies.

Quality Delivery

Whenever i do the development, delivering quality products is my first priority. That makes the project bug free.

Cost effective

I'm ready to deliver your thoughts as a project / application within your budget what matters always


Websites Done


Applications Done


Satisfied Customers


Recurring customers